Wed, 11th- riding a motorcycle on awesome roads is like being on drugs, the more you do it the more you want to do it. Despite a 572 km day this was no exception.
Today I got to ride with our Turkish guide Kaz, Dan and my squash pal Mac who is an awesome guy. A little about Dan because it is pretty interesting at least for me.
If looks could deceive and first impressions were accurate Dan would be the antithesis of this. He is quiet, stature about like mine, a bit portly and has 3 grandchildren. At 67 he is the senior citizen of the group. I have to admit as I sized him up after the first few days in Istanbul I was wondering about let's say, stuff.
When Dan insisted on having a spare set of tires in the chase van for his KTM 990 it still didn't click. I said 'Dan, tires should last 12-15000 miles in normal wear and we are only travelling 8000, what's the deal?' And he says, 'well, I am a bit hard on tires' and we left it at that because what the hell do I know anyway.
On the first day on the first turn off the Yalova ferry Dan goes screaming by everybody with Kaz in hot pursuit. Since then I have realized that this guy is by far our top rider. He just motors that guy and you would never pick him out of a lineup.
Today was a great riding day with ALL the elements. If you were in a car you would be wondering where the hell you were if you weren't car sick first. The roads went everywhere from 100 mph to 10 mph, from great blacktop to mud, dirt, potholes, you name it.
One of the ingredients marking a great rider is how often you use your brakes. On one particularly difficult section of over an hour of hard riding I was behind Dan and he used his brakes exactly once. I could hardly believe it. Essentially you use the transmission to gear down and slow down on sharp turns.
At a gas stop I remarked on this and he just shrugged and said you're pretty good at minimizing your brakes too (felt pretty good about that coming from him!), but that Mac, he lights up his brakes like a Christmas tree!
The day could be like any other but it wasn't and they are all different. There was a lot of herded cattle on and off the roads such that we had to slow down to carefully manoever around them. One of the gnarly critters with horns probably thought we were the opposite sex because he kind of charged one of the bikes! The dogs the herders use are aweome. Huge great things and quite ferocious- wouldn't want to have a breakdown cause they look and act like they could take down a wolf.
Later in the day we got to this gps intersection Helge had given us an option on- dirt and gravel or tarmac. The decision was the dirt and gravel so off we went. It quickly got tricky, then easy, then tricky and back an forth. I had never operated a big bike like mine in such conditions and there was a lot of standing on the pedals to lower the center of gravity. We climbed through a lot of switch backs to 2000 feet, stopped for photos and blasted (Dan) or crawled (me!) down the other side. I felt pretty good about not dropping the bike and at least partially keeping up. It is always about driving within your limits.
Coming into Trabzon which is on the Black Sea was another effing story. I was literally on fumes as I had neglected to fuel up with the others because my machine is literally like a fuel truck on 2 wheels with a 33 litre tank and I was a bit cocky. It had been raining on and off all day. Now it started to pour real hard. Then the hail came down big as snow peas and my crotch got full of the stuff and melted! We got through that and managed to find some gas (I am getting 51 mpg) thanks to Len and Jeff who kindly stopped for me knowing my problem- the gods must have been smiling because no sooner were we under cover at the station than the rain came down in sheets and sheets for the 10 minutes we were there and stopped just as we left!
Heading into Trabzon I kept thinking Helge or Kaz should have known better. Its a nice hotel but it is smack dab in the middle of this bustling town full of aggressive drivers and it is completely impossible to read a road sign. On top of that it was dark and there are a lot of one way streets and the gps is only a guide. Being there only one night made me think we should have been somewhere easier to find especially as it was only a place to dine, sleep and dash. We have since been advised to hire a taxi in future and get him to guide us to our destination. This is a good idea but it was too late for tonights escapade I am afraid.
Thur, 12th- today we moved into Georgia. I will miss Turkey for its wonderful varied countryside, its pleasant, helpful people and its amazing, amazing history and evidence of same. I will not miss the call to prayer (more of that coming I am sure!), its cold french fries, the almost complete lack of english facility (TV, newspaper, bilingualism, signage you name it). It is surprising really that the young people are not more fluent (by the way the language is almost impossible to learn too).
Some closing thoughts:
-not much pride of ownership anywhere
- wasted heat- all the hotels have it cranked way too high
-long, long traffic lights even on busy highways
T-Efes pilsner the only beer- superb
-few restaurants and no pubs o/s of Istanbul
-aggressive drivers
-sehir merkesi means city center
-bread, bread everywhere- they eat it for coffee/tea break with nothing else and very few fat people too
-squatting toilets and mostly no toilet paper anywhere, sure hope I never have to use one.
Georgia is a country of 4.5 million and has a gdp per cap of $5000 so it is about a third of Turkey's (77 mln and $13000) and quite poor- incidentially, T's gdp per cap is about a third of ours too and definitely looks it.
We went through our first border check with a high degree of excitment and anticipation. Looked like pandemonium everywhere! Helge says this was a piece of cake so will look forward to the greater unknowns ahead.
It was an easy 200 km riding day along the Black Sea coast to Batumi where we overnighted at a nice place and met our new tour guides Inga and Anna.
Riding a motorbike could be compared to playing golf. The more you play and practise the better and more consistent you get and the more comfortable you get with things like your putter and driver etc. The same idea with daily use of a motorcycle. You and your bike become like a unit and confidence and capability builds. I think that people that jump on once in awhile are rusty and more at risk. You do this intensively day in and day out, you get pretty good. Towards the end of one of Jody's trips on my Suzuki 650 I would put myself at about a 15 cap. Leaving the customs port in Istanbul the other day in busy traffic on a new bike I hadn't been on in 10 weeks I was batting about a 30. Now I am at my old 15 and hope to get to a 10. A lot of the guys on this trip are into single digits comparatively speaking.
We had a lazy afternoon and I had a short walk to the water (it is almost fresh with a hint of saltiness- the Volga and Danube empty here) an awesome Turkish steam and rub down before dinner and bed.
Fri, 13th- the frenchman reminded me first thing in the morning! This day was interesting for the reason that it was not at least from a riding perspective. We travelled 380 km over boring Georgian countryside often in heavy rain. At one point Mac and I stopped to put on wet gear and have a pee at this run down gas station manned by 4 swarthy men. I watched the bikes and handed out Canadian lapel pins as a friendship gesture and had to show them how they went on. Mac came back and I headed for the 'toilet facilities'. I got there and there was a pile of dung in the squat toilet a donkey would have been proud of. Disgusting! It must have been several or more and I guess they dispose of it when it gets too high- again no toilet paper. Sorry for this but am just recording as I see it.
All along the road there were an awfull lot of men standing around in groups of 5-10 with obviously nothing to do, often in the rain. We saw our first pig (none in Turkey of course) heavily pregnant beside the road- you get very used to all sorts of animals of every shape, size and description wandering around the roadside oblivious of traffic.
They are working on road improvement and they sure need to. Tons of potholes and pothole repairs that aren't and way too much heavy, single lane traffic and everyone trying to pass at the same time. We learned the process quickly and fit right in because our bikes are so damn fast. You can be in second gear at 30 klics and at 120 in 4th (of 6 gears) in seconds.
One last observation- the decaying, sad, often abandoned Soviet era buildings all over the place. The ride was often bleak and dreary and it was easy to see that the people in the countryside have very little. At least there were no mosques and calls to prayer every few hours!
A special pleasure for me was to have the opportunity to visit the town of Gori the place of Stalin's birth in 1879. His father was a shoemaker Vissarion Dzhugashvili and his mother a dressmaker. They built a ten thousand square foot special purpose building on each of two floors right beside the original tiny rented house which we also went inside of! The only problem which I hope they will rectify is that it is all in Russian and Georgian not English otherwise I would still be there. It covers his life in great detail right from the beginning and even has his original office in the Kremlin set up exactly like it was. I got a bottle of Georgian red wine with a neat Stalin label to hopefully bring home as a souvenir.
Last night was a huge surprise dinner and I sure wish I had my camera. We left our excellent hotel smack dab in city center of Tiblisi (pop. 1.4 mln) and walked to this private restaurant. There we were entertained Georgian style and were we entertained! One of their most famous singers joined us for dinner and song and brought along 3 of his cronies. Lovely baritone voices singing all manner of local folk songs as they sat with us at dinner. The dinner! What a meal! There must have been 10-12 or more different servings (mostly cold and most I had never seen) all on the table at the same time to choose from. Wow, just had to be there to see it and of course my damn camera which I always take with me was in the hotel.
That's about all from this end and hope the finger banging keyboard didn't sprout out too many errors!
Sat, 14th
This was a well deserved day off of riding. We were ably escorted by our two very knowledgeable tour guides Anna and Inge on a 'walkabout' interspersed with a van ride to get us to the next location. Tblisi is a like an old European town without the posh and circumstance. Many of the beautiful old 18th century buildings are in a state of real facade decay. There is a concerted refurbishment effort to clean it up and when it is done I am sure that it will lure lots of tourists who will come for the hot springs experience as well as the interesting walking opportunities and local scenery.
We were treated to lots of
Georgian history which I won't bore you with suffice to say that this little country is at a strategic location between east and west (a bit like but very different from Afganistan; they are European in culture and religion but geographically in Asia, a real dilemma) and has been subjected to constant bombardment by the Arabs, the Turks and more latterly the Russians. The Russians came in 1801 and by 1860 there was a serious effort put in place to preserve the Georgian language and culture which was in danger of dissappearing. Their influence was replaced by the Soviet Union in 1918 and remained in place until their independence in 1991 and
their constitution signed in 1995.
According to Anna who is a walking historical encycopaedia all hell broke loose after the Russians left in '91- gdp gropped by 50% in 5 years and they basically stagnated for a long time at subsistence levels. From 1998-2002 there was armed resistance and revolt. From 2003-05 45% lived below the poverty line however that was measured. During this time Edward Sheverdnaze who was the foreign minister in Gorbachev's cabinet was in charge. It wasn't all his fault and he is credited with attracting international investment and bringing a gas pipeline to feed Europe. He has a checkered report card though and lives quietly in Tblisi and is in his mid 80's. The current president (Milkheil Saakashvili- they all have great long names!) is well regarded and has fired all of the corrupt police and replaced them with a new and much better system that outlaws bribe taking and crime is way, way down. Consequently due to his efforts at reformation gdp has risen from $4 billion on '05 to $17 billion today (about $5000 per cap).
After traipsing around the city of 1.4 million we were escorted to a local orphanage which had been arranged by two of our Ontario riders, Jeff and Len. We stopped by a department store and loaded up on toys, candies and junk and headed over. There were about 40 kids in residence between 8 and 18 in good health and spirits. I gave them all Canadian lapel pins and toys, we took pictures and then were entertained with dance and song. We were smitten and before leaving presented them with our collected $600 donation. They wanted to spend it right there and then so that it did not get dispersed into the general fund for all orphanages so off we went to buy soccer uniforms and boots, a new sound system and roller skates for the girls. All in all a great thing to do and thanks to Jeff and Len for organizing it.
The evening dinner took us to another fine restaurant with a mostly private room and another feast- a fellow called Saba was invited to chat to us about Georgia in general from a local perspective. He is 50 and a successful businessman with many interests including mountain climbing ( the Matterhorn) and big game hunting. We really appreciated his input.
One of the sad facts of life here are the beggars in the streets. While some do it on an organized team basis and there are lots of gypsies around it is clear that many are destitute especially the elderly. There is very little safety net. These are not druggies or alcoholics that have fallen on hard times often due to their own mis-fortune. These are genuinely desperate people with nothing and it is sad to see.
Lastly, I have observed that there are literally no two wheeled bicycles in either Turkey or Georgia and I really wonder why. The many towns with cobblestone streets could be a partial reason but there are lots and lots of places where they could ride around. It seems like a real opportunity to me for someone to get this going because it would be a great transportation vehicle for these relatively poor people. Second, nearly all shoes are some kind of leather yet there are NO shoe shine people to be found anywhere(Turkey too)- surely this is an employment opportunity for enterprising sorts.
Sun, 15th
I was very torn about the ride into Armenia today. Most guys elected to take the day off. I wanted to go but didn't want to go and the dreary wet morning made up my mind- it was an in and out elective thing anyway but I kind of wanted to add it to my list of country's visited (42 plus 5 to go). In the end Helge went to scout the place out and along went Dan (no surprise!) and the frenchman (I love calling him that- Nicolas, quite a character!) and the rest stayed to veg, excercise, get massages, wash filthy bikes, read, relax, take a further walk around town and prepare for the next day's adventure.
That's about it except that we are all now well rested and raring to go to tackle whatever is coming!
Mon 16th
Here I am sitting all by my lonesome at the Courtyard Marriot in Tblishi while my pals are in Sheki, Azerbaijan about 300 km away. Today I travelled 440 km all for nothing! I am a complete meathead and here is why. Everyone took off in a hail of bullets and I was loitering around and watching Helge and Dan change a tire. After a bit I decided what the hell, I'll head out myself and catch up to them. Mistake!
I called up GSR135BRD (for border waypoint) and headed out into the wild blue yonder. There was only a magenta (basically purple) line on my screen which seemed just fine. I had this weird feeling that all was not quite right in Nick's little world but I pressed on anyway and lo and behold there was a sign on the highway that said Baku 500 some km away which was our eventual destination after the overnight at Sheki.
On I pressed until along came the so-called border only it was border #2 not the required border! The gps had designated the shortest distance between two points and I should have been on the green line program instead
Now there are a lot of lines on this damn thing. Green, magenta, a browny one and even a blue one sometimes when you are doubling back. I must admit that I have been focusing on the driving more than anything up to now and trying to learn how the gps works but not too hard because I got other guys to do that kind of brainy work.
So I get down to border #2, the wrong one, and run into a gauntlet of people and paperwork and no savy the lingo. The final guy is stamping my passport with all sorts of stampers. And then he tells me that I need to leave a deposit of $7200 for the bike. Say what?? I finally establish through a cell phone interpreter that this is not Azerbaijan money. It is U.S. greenbacks.
We are at an impass, no one is around, what to do? By this time the light switch has finally gone on and I realize that I am at the wrong place. I text Helge and he says to get my ass to the 'other' border crossing which is now 60km back to Tblisi and a further 160km east into no mans land. Here is poor little Nick traipsing around the countryside of Georgia kind of pissed off at you know who (me).
I finally get to border #1 three hours later only find that my single entry visa is now null and void because it has been stamped so many times at border #2 by the turkey who wanted the seven grand. Damn! Helge is there with Inge and our new guide and I am wondering whether we can buy anyone off but they don't do that anymore.
There is NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE but to double back the 160 klics all by my lonesome, book back into the hotel in Tblisi and hope that our friends at the MIR Corporation and their local contacts can get me a hurry up visa so that I can get back on my way.
The sticky wicket is that the ferry from Baku over the Caspian Sea to Turkmentistan only goes once in awhile and I simply must make that damn ferry on the thur 19th departure day, time to be determined- and would rather not be travelling at night, thanks.
I actually have no one else to blame but myself for the following reasons:
-Anna was going to be at the border crossing to say goodbye and collect whatever tips were being passed her way (and she was terrific). Guess what? No Anna anywhere.
-I should not have been on the border gps waypoint in the first place but on the blessed 'green' line thingy.
-none of the guys were anywhere to be seen. Hello?
-if I had pushed out the gps unit to a much larger map I would have seen that I was way off track and doubled back before getting to that border location in the first place.
-there are probably a few more; like putting in a call to Helge or Inge for clarification but dummy here is just not that smart!
So I am holed up here for now and hoping that the MIR guys can work their magic. Really, that jerk at the border wanting that deposit really threw me for a loop because I coudn't understand what that was all about and didn't have that kind of coin on me anyhow. Wish me luck tomorrow and the rest of my journey!
Tue, 17th-
Met Maya the Caucasus tour agent for MIR Corp (in Seattle) at 9:30am at the hotel to go through the laborious visa process. She is 28, has two young daughters, and a masters in public admin. I was at first concerned that she might be too soft spoken.
We get to the Azuri embassy somewhere in backwater Tblisi and begin our wait with all the other hoi paloi for the 10 am opening. At 10:15 some official shows up with forms to fill out- a crowd of about 30. The sign ominously says they only process visas Mon, Wed and Fri and as luck would have it this is Tuesday. Finally another guy shows up but Maya has already intercepted him first to get in a few words.
Jabber, jabber, jabber in a crowd of sweating, smelly bodies. Maya acts as a helpful interpreter. The guy basically says nothing will happen today and visas can be picked up on friday (way too late). He takes all the forms, ours about last. Maya gets a few more words in at this time and I play my best pidgeon english routine and show him and leave him with a copy of our map and itinerary.
Encouragingly he gives Maya his cell number and we are to come back with some filled out voucher later.
Despondency prevails as we come back to the hotel and she leaves. In addition it is fully booked so I have to go to a flea bagger elsewhere tonight if required.
Sitting here in lobby reading 'Young Stalin' and contemplating going for a workout. Phone rings! Halleluija! From the depths of despair to eurphoria! Amazing! So the next stage of the jouney will begin at 4pm when that treasured visa finally shows up!
Am at the OkeeDokee border at 7:30pm to wait for my escort to arrive at 9 to head to Baku to catch up with my mates. I leave with a mixture of jubilation and sadness. Sadness because the Georgian people are so pleasant and friendly and helpful. All the travel warnings from the State Department and Foreign Office were way over dramatic. There are bad people everywhere but some of the nicest people here.
The ride was something else, a real treat. I went slow, slow through farm country because there was time to spare. Everyone in the various communities were out enjoying the warm, late afternoon sun after a good work day. There were a zillion photo ops and I got a few. Too bad you couldn't snap the smells and odours- simply wonderful. Animals all over the roads and old men in their carts and donkeys going to and fro. It was for sure my most enjoyable ride yet.
Closing thoughts:
-still need clarification on why a designated way point would not take you there if it is selected and not somewhere in a 90 degree opposite tangent.
-after traipsing around for several days on my own I am at least a lot more self reliant now in unknown surroundings.
-guess I now have the dubious distinction of being the first GlobeRider ever to actually go through the wrong border checkpoint!
3:30am local time finally show up in Baku which is on the west side of the Caspian Sea. Sightseeing tomorrow at 9am.
$800 later, over and out for now.